Sunday 15 February 2015


Here are some of the Aistear and mathematical morning activities  completed during the month of February!

We have started food dudes in school. We have been doing a great job at keeping the junk at bay and eating all of our fruit and vegetables. Well done to everyone! Keep up the good work.

We celebrated St. Bridgid's Day and learned what a kind and generous woman she was. We learned the song 'We sing a song to Bridget' 

We learned the rhyme 'There was an old woman'. We created our own shoe houses using pencils and crayons to add details such as windows, chimneys and doors. 

We have started letter formation in our copies. So far we have done the letters c, a, d and g. Some of us have started using pencils. We are doing a brilliant job!

We created love bugs for Valentines day!

Happy Valentines day!! 

Reading with Second Class.

Every Friday the girls from Second class come to our class to read to us. We really enjoy this. They show us the pictures and ask us questions too. Teacher said we do a great job at listening to the girls!


We learned about the signs of winter; animals are hibernating, the weather is very cold and frosty, there are no leaves on the trees, we wear wooly and warm clothes in winter. We learned the 'Winter' song in Alive-O. We observed the signs of winter on our winter walk. 

We created robin redbreasts using crepe paper and crayons!

We listened and responded to the story 'Jack Frost' by creating chalk drawings of the images seen in the book. We did a really great job!!

Visit to the Church

As part of history week we went to visit the local church. We saw statues, stained glass windows and the altar. We blessed ourselves and said a prayer in the church with teacher. We created drawings in our copy when we returned to the classroom. 


We started a new playtime in January called Aistear.  We do different things at each station. We have learned to plan and review our playtime. It is so much fun.

We created lovely imaginative things at the junk art table.

The weather station at the role-play area was really enjoyable too!

We made our own play doe using flour, salt, vegetable oil and food colouring. 

We constructed many interesting things using the blocks- castles, jungles, houses etc. Teacher was really impressed by our imagination. 

Incy Wincy Spider

We learned the rhyme Incy Wincy Spider. We created a spiders web by colouring and cutting spiders and created spiders using paper plates. We made delicious spider cakes too!! We also listened to the story 'The Very Busy Spider' by Eric Carle. This was a great story.