We learned all about food throughout the month of November. We did lots of fun activities. Here are some of the things we did!
We sorted vegetables and fruits into sets and made a vegetable and a fruit book which is now in our class library!
We used fabric and fibre to make pear people!
Teacher brought in fruit for us to taste. We really liked trying different types of fruit. We tasted blueberries, strawberries, oranges, pineapple, apple etc.
We had fun in our class shop during playtime.
We read the story 'Handa's Surprise'.We decided to make our own fruit baskets. We used crepe paper to make our Handa's Surprise collage of grapes, banana's, cherries, oranges and apples.
We learned about healthy and unhealthy foods for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. We sorted healthy and unhealthy foods on the board and created healthy meals using a game on the Interactive Whiteboard.
We made prints using vegetables and fruit-peppers, carrots, apples, lemons and broccoli.